you cannot invoke php functions from javascript. You have to pass on any relevent variables (which can be done with hidden input fields) with your POST/GET data to the script for processing on the server.


Hello I was wondering if someone could help me out.

Trying to submit form to frame and pass php var at the same time.

<script language="JavaScript"><!--
function submitform(){


<frameset rows="538,83" cols="*">
 <frame src="admin.php?order=1" name="admin" id="admin">
 <frame src="status.php" name="status" scrolling="auto" id="status">

Link look like: <a href="javascript:submitform();" target="_parent">Delete</a>

What I need to do though, is run this exact script while passing
($delete=yes) as php at the same time?  Basically, run the form and if
delete=yes then use the following form tag :  <form name=adminform
method=post action=setup.php?delete=yes  target=_parent>

Any ideas? Thanks Brandon

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