I don't understand what this achieves? Tell me more...


-----Original Message-----
From: Todd Cary [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 15 September 2003 03:30
Subject: [PHP] Branching to a page

Back in the earlier days of PHP, pages were not cached so I developed a 
method of "branching to a page" by opening a new socket.  Since it has 
worked over the years in quite a variety of applications, I have not 
changed...but maybe I should.  Are there any glaring deficiencies with 
doing this:

  // Verify the Session ID
  if ($session_id) {
  } else {
    bounce_post($server, $path, $url, "abort.php", "");

Where "bounce" is defined as

  function bounce_post($server, $path, $url, $page, $info) {
    $http = new http;

    $fp = $http->http_fpost($server, $path . $page, $info);
    if($fp) {
      print '<BASE HREF="' . $url . $page . '"><p>';



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