Frank Tudor wrote:
This is more for a linux group post but I know someone can
provide enlightenment on this issue.

I have the latest version of apache and php I have created my
entire sie in a foxserv environment on windows but my production
environment is on mandrake linux 9.1

The globals are set to off but i'll be damned if I know where I
can set them to on.

I found a php.ini-dist and a php.ini-recommended file but
changing these files does nothing.

can someone give me some give me a hand with this?

Create a script that outputs phpinfo().

        echo phpinfo();

This will tell you where the php.ini file should be (it probably isn't there right now). Copy php.ini-recommended to the location that phpinfo() told you it was, and name it php.ini. Make the necessary changes to php.ini. Restart Apache. You should be all set.

- Brad

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