* Thus wrote jsWalter ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> I have a fairly complicated regular expression that was written for perl.
> I've spent the last 4 days trying to convert it to PHP.

have you looked at strtotime()?

The Date formats it can find are defined here:

Those regex's look like a nightmare, like they usually do :)

> # Does input match this RegEx?
>      (($day,$mon,$yr,$hr,$min,$sec,$tz) =
>  /^
>   (\w{1,3})             # month
>      \s+
>   (\d\d?)               # day
>      \s+
>   (\d\d?):(\d\d)        # hour:min
>   (?::(\d\d))?          # optional seconds
>      \s+
>   (?:([A-Za-z]+)\s+)?   # optional timezone
>   (\d+)                 # year
>      \s*$               # allow trailing whitespace
>  /x)

"I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not so sure."

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