> > I have a section of my script where I call gethostbyname($hostname) .
> > For some host names that are not registered (according to register.com)
> > I am still getting an IP address returned?
> >
> > What is happening?

> Well, try only the toplevel domain... For example, I have like
> hns345667dsvdtrt34.telia.com, I doubt that is registred, but
> telia.com sure
> is... I hope.. :S

telia.com is a second level, not a top level, .com is the top level in your
example.  Also, only looking up the second level is a bad idea.  In many
cases the third level is actually being used to signify something (the
host).  All of the hosts in our server farm use the same second level, but
the third level signifies which box I'm talking about.  If I do an nslookup
on my second level I'm going to get the IP bound to the webserver that hosts
the corporate site (because that's how we have it set up), but if I do an
nslookup on servername.domain.com (servername being the name of one of the
servers in our farm) I'm going to get the IP for the host designated by
servername.  For example, ftb.ca.gov (California franchise tax board) is not
the same as dot.ca.gov (California Dept. of Transportation) which is not the
same as cdfa.ca.gov (department of food and agriculture), but they all fall
under the ca.gov second level because they are all government offices for
the state of California, which falls under the .gov top level because it is
a government branch within the United States.

To answer the original question, verisign has decided it is a good idea to
wildcard the .com and .net TLDs to point to http://sitefinder.verisign.com,
so if you do a look up on a non-existant domain in those TDLs it will now
give an IP.  I believe a BIND patch has already been released to negate this

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