Hi everyone.

Pardon the crosspost but I figure if I'm going to post the same question
to two lists anyway, why not get it over with in one shot?

Ok so in an attempt to lessen Windows2k pro memory footprint I just
turned off three services. (1) TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper Service, (2) IPSEC
Policy Agent, and (3) Distributed Link Tracking Client.

Now the autocomplete functionality of IE is not working. IE used to save
all the search terms for google, now they're not there. I'm also working
on a project that requires a simple login, all my test usernames used to
be stored with the form but now they are not there anymore either.

I have no idea if either of those services had anything to do with or
not (it seems very unlikely that they are related) but it's the only
connection I can see.

Here's what I've done so far:

1. Turned all those services back on and then tried both google and my
login form again. Didn't work.
2. Checked the IE settings for autocomplete. They are correct.

Any ideas on how to get it working again?


p.s. IE's address bar is still working (must be a separate function).

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