Hey all.

Got a problem with a site builder app I've spent three months developing.

On my local machine (win2k pro, apache), no problems -- everything works
just as designed.

Today I began testing on the live server; i.e. my client's hosting company
(linux, apache 1.3.27, php 4.3.1)  -- that's when the trouble started.

The site builder app builds static pages based on changes made by users in
our online administration center.  When I test out creating a new site
section; i.e. triggering my make_file function(writes page content to new
file) I receive the following error:

  Warning: fopen(/local_server_path/file_to_create.php) [function.fopen]:
failed to create stream: Permission denied

I've attempted to chmod(777) my testing directory via ftp client, which
appears to work; however, when I fileperms($file_in_test_dir), I get
chmod(644), so clearly I'm not the owner.

Pardon my ignorance here, but I as yet know little about dir/file perms.
Should I contact the host and have them give me sufficient permissions?

Any help so much appreciated as I am completely handcuffed at the moment.



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