And if you are not in a form? My current code is:

<a href="search.php" onClick="return popup(this,
   <img src="images/Plus.gif">

where popup is my javascript function. But as I said below, the popup
doesn't work as expected and I do not want to use javascript. I can also not
be in a form. Suggestions?


"Marek Kilimajer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

> <form target="searchwindow" ....>
> Rich Fox wrote:
> > I would like to open a new browser window from within my php script
> > (edit.php), a window in which another php page is run (search.php).
> > search.php should be able to receive $_POST vars etc. from edit.php. I
> > not sure that the javascript solution to popup a window is correct,
> > then the popup does not behave normally.
> >
> > By normally, I mean that when I use javascript to popup a new window
> > (search.php), and in search.php I have a form
> >
> > <form action="searchAction.php" method=post>
> >  <input type=hidden name=caller   value=window.opener.location.href>
> >  <input type=hidden name=ID       value=<? $_GET['ID'] ?> >
> >  <input type=hidden name=Type       value=<? $type?> >
> >  <input type=button name=btnOK    value=OK>
> >  <input type=button name=btnCancel   value=Cancel>
> > </form>
> >
> > clicking OK or Cancel does absolutely nothing. So, I would like to avoid
> > javascript and simply open a new browser window to run search.php. What
> > the accepted way to do this in php?
> >
> > tia,
> >
> > Rich
> >

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