in the past people have talked about doing this in a few different ways.

1.  Have an image that javascript refreshes the url on and when doing so
    to a php script that checks to see if anything is newer then the last
    that it checked. And if something has ben updated then have the php
    pass back an image that is a different size (height or width) then what
    image was be for.  Then if the size of the image return is something
    then what you expect, then you can assume that it the data has been
    and you need to refresh the entire page.

2.  You could use a hidden IFRAME to do the checking.

3.  You could write an app in Flash the opens a port to the server and does
    the same checking the option #1 would be doing.

4.  not sure, but I'm sure that others will have different options.

Jim Lucas

----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Saturday, September 20, 2003 4:40 PM
Subject: [PHP] PHP "Smart Refresh" for looping server lookups

> This may sound a bit long and drawn out, but I'll try my best to summarize
> what I'm having trouble with. Roughly 2 weeks ago I began writing scripts
to run
> a free TagBoard service. (Examples: and [mine]
> - my 2-week-long goal was to compile a list of features (based on 3 or 4
> tagboard sites) and add those to this set of scripts.
> I was successful in pretty much all the features and more, except for one:
> "Smart Refresh". The tagboards currently refresh at a rate of xx seconds,
set by
> the tagboard owner. Other sites have managed to design the tagboard to
> refresh ONLY when a new tag exists on the server, simulating a "live
chat". My
> question is, how is this "Smart Refresh" done? How does a page that's
loaded, just
> "sit there" and still be able to take a peek at the server without just
> refreshing the whole page? It's mind-boggling, even for me. :-D
> I'm not looking for actual code; that part I can do; I'm just looking for
> basic "what does what" procedure on how it's done. Any thoughts on this
> be very greatful! Thanks in advance =)
>  ~ Tim

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