I have a script on all my client machines that checks into a master server
to dump statistical information into a mysql database. That works great
(using $_GET and an encrypted string). However, now I'd like to have the
client check in to the master and see if it needs any updates. If so, it
will set flags in its own database. How do I establish the link back without
the client running a webserver of it's own?


Client checks into master Update server and blindly dumps it's statistics
into the master database.

Master database wants to give the client more data to process or update a
field in the client's own database.

Client accepts the data from the master, changes it's own database, and
reports back an ACK that it was successful.

Master marks it's own database that the handshake happened and both are in

Now, I've seen this NuSOAP thing that that seems to do this concept, however
it's a bit overkill for my needs and I also don't want to be dependant upon
a 'third party' software for this task. Also, my XML is not so good ;-)

Is http://us3.php.net/function.fsockopen what I need? Whatever the solution,
it is mission critical that it works. I'll be tunneling through SSL too, but
that should be transparent I'd think.

Daevid Vincent

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