Hello list... Im fighting a losing battle here..

I'm needing help!

Everything seems to work fine with this function except that when the
command runs and is to populate the "$scan_result" field.  It doesn't Im
not sure why either.  I also get an "End of file unexepected" error in
my apache logs as well.  

Anybody have any advice.

On top of the exec() function I've also tried shell_exec(), system(),
and even backtic's ``.  I'm stumped...  I'm not sure where to go with

$nmap = "/usr/local/bin/nmap"; /* path to nmap program */
$nmap_opt = "-sT -sU -sR -O ";        /* Nmap command line options */
$scan_log = "/usr/local/pub/tftp/scan.log";   /* scanner log file */

if( $attempts == 4 )

function scanner($scan,$opt,$ip,$log,$echo,$mail) {

    $cmd = "$scan  $opt $ip <br>";
    print "This is the command: <br> $cmd<br><br>\n";
    $scan_result =  exec("$cmd");
    print "This should be the scan : <br> $scan_result<br>";

    $filename = "$log";
    $fileid = fopen("$filename","a");


    //$mail_result =`$echo $scan_result | $mail -s "Hostile Node"

 } /* end scanner() */

Jeremy Russell
Network Administrator, CNI

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