Have you considered using multiselect?

Jeremy Russell wrote:
Hello list,

        I've spent a little time looking to see if this has been done
before, and haven't found it, though I'm certain it has been done.  What
I want to do is build a page by first having a selection form.  This
select statement will have a number of items within it.  When a use
scrolls and clicks an item I want a text box to popup in place of the
list, with an id of the select item name.  I then want a new list to pop
up with all the items except for the one that was last chosen.  The user
should be able to select another item and a text box pop up, and so on
and so forth until all items have either been selected or the user is
ready to stop selecting.  This is a sort of searching tool and the lists
of items are "attributes" the use can search by.  This seems like it
could be done, but the way I'm seeing it now it loss like it would
require about 1000 "if" statements.  Can a php guru shed some light and
point me in the right direction if there is one??



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