
I have a strange problem with a download script. Here is the situation:
On my development server, the php is 4.0.6 while on the application 
server it is 4.3.2.  I created a very simple code for opening pdf in 
browser. the main part of it is like following:

 session_start ();

 $docPath = '/path/to/file_name.pdf';
 $pdftmp_name = 'tmp_name.pdf';

 header ('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate');
 header ('Content-Type: application/pdf');
 header ('Content-disposition: inline; filename=' . $pdftmp_name);
 header ('Content-length: ' . filesize ($docPath));

 readfile ($docPath);

This code is working perfect on development server. However
on the application server, it will first ask for confirm downloading
then report error saying that cannot download.

I checked the code line by line and found that if remove the first
line "session_start ()" then it will work in the correct way. However
session is required for this script. I don't understand why it works 
OK on the development server but not for application server.

Thanks in advance for all help!

Alex Shi

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