> % a static name so when another picture is uploaded the old one is > overwritten % that is why the input path and output path is the same. > % -------------Code---------- > % exec($path_imagemagick."convert -crop 0x100+0+0 $imagepath.$filename > % $imagepath.$filename"); > % ---------End Code---------- > > To change an image rather than make a new version of it, just use > mogrify. > > % any ideas why this wont work? > > Start there and let us know how you do.
It is a good idea too to use the pear-imagick module which is a wraper for imageMagick. With this you can more easily deal with errors here is an example with the crop function: http://grincheux.codelutin.org/~monnier/doc/imagick/crop.php And the other exemples given in the package: http://grincheux.codelutin.org/~monnier/doc/imagick/ === If you use it in cli mode, think you can write errors like this: fwrite(STDERR, "handle failed!\nReason: $reason\nDescription: $description\n"); in stead of this: print "handle failed!<BR>\nReason: $reason<BR>\nDescription: $description<BR>\n"; === I am interseted in writing a simple application using php-gtk and php-imagick. If other peoples are interested in this project, just mail me to talk about this. -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php