This message is for the benefit of new subscribers and those new to PHP.  
Those who  do not want to be bothered just filter out the [Newbie Guide] 
mails. Please feel free to add more points and send to the list.
1. If you have any queries/problems about PHP try http://www.php.net/manual/en 
first. You can download a copy and use it offline also.

2. If you can not get answer here try http://www.google.com next. Try 
searching for "php YOUR QUERY" and you may be lucky to get an answer within 
the first 10 results.

3. Glancing through the list archive at 
http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=php-general , you can find many of the 
common topics discussed repeatedly and can get your answer from those 

4. If you are stuck with a script and do not understand what is wrong, instead 
of posting the whole script, try doing some research yourself. One useful 
trick is to print the variable/sql query using print or echo command and 
check whether you get what you expected. 

After diagnosing the problem, send the details of your efforts (following 
steps 1, 2 & 3) and ask for help.

5. Provide a clear descriptive subject line. Avoid general subjects like 
"Help!!", "A Question" etc.  Especially avoid blank subjects. 

6. When you want to start a new topic, open a new mail and enter the mailing 
list address [EMAIL PROTECTED] instead of replying to an existing 
thread and replacing the subject and body with your message.

7. PHP is a server side scripting language. Whatever processing PHP does takes 
place BEFORE the output reaches the client. Therefore, it is not possible to 
access the users'  computer related information (OS, screen size etc) using 
PHP. You need to go for JavaScript and ask the question in a JavaScript 

8. It's always a good idea to post back to the list once you've solved
your problem. People usually add [SOLVED] to the subject line of their
email when posting solutions. By posting your solution you're helping
the next person with the same question. [contribued by Chris W Parker]

9. Ask smart questions http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html
[contributed by Jay Blanchard)

Hope you have a good time programming with PHP.

Best regards,

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Ma Siva Kumar,
BSG LeatherLink,
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