Apologies if this has been asked before but I couldn't find
anything on google or any of the PHP code sites that quite fits my
requirements. Here's the problem:

I have a form which presents the user with a table of dates with
checkboxes for a three month period, e.g.

Dec             7th     14th    21st    28th
        am      [ ]     [ ]     [ ]     [ ]
        pm      [ ]     [ ]     [ ]     [ ]

Jan             4th     11th    18th    25th
        am      [ ]     [ ]     [ ]     [ ]
        pm      [ ]     [ ]     [ ]     [ ]

Feb             1st     8th     15th    22nd    29th
        am      [ ]     [ ]     [ ]     [ ]     [ ]
        pm      [ ]     [ ]     [ ]     [ ]     [ ]

When the user submits the form with any of the boxes checked I
want to have these sorted into date order.

If I check Dec 28th am and pm, Jan 4th am and pm, Jan 18th am and
pm and Feb 15th am and pm then the order returned in the _POST is:

Dec 28 am, Dec 28 pm, Jan 4 am, Jan 18 am, Jan 4 pm, Jan 18 pm,
Feb 15 am, Feb 15 pm

This is, I believe, due to the order of the elements in the form.
I tried using tabindex to influence the order returned but to no
avail. So I'm now trying to do this in the php code that processes
the submission. There is no year info such that I could turn the
dates into timestamp and sort that way. Has anyone got any code
that can sort this correctly?

Cheers, Greg.
Greg Wiley

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