* Thus wrote Chris Shiflett ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> --- Chris W. Parker wrote:
> > I went to an ecom site today that used js validation but in a very
> > slick way. There were no popups to be seen. Instead, when I tried to
> > add a product to my cart without specifying some attributes a little
> > red message magically appeared on the page that said "Please choose
> > a color".
> That sounds much more professional. I would love to see some example code to
> help me eliminate my natural anti-JavaScript prejudice. If it could actually be
> as flexible and professional as server-side data filtering, I would definitely
> be interested in learning more.

Basicaly its a div layer that gets modifyed by javascript. 

> Of course, I would never suggest replacing server-side data filtering, but I
> wouldn't mind saving that little bit of extra HTTP traffic for the legitimate
> users.

The only draw back is the javascript becomes bloated because of all
the different browser conditions. Is it IE, NS, Opera, other?  and
what version are they?  Which is the nice thing about handling
server side, no need to worry about browser compatibility.

"I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not so sure."

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