Hi all --

Summary: Using PHP, need to go from ACCESS -> MySQL.  (Millions of
records, hundreds of tables.)

I am about to embark on a project over the next week which entails (in
part) developing a PHP platform that will convert an Access DB to MySQL,
as well as perform all needed error-checking and appropriate field-type
setup.  In the future I will modify the same script to support other DB
types like Postgres, MS, Oracle, etc.  Rather than having PHP access
these foreign DB types I will have it access a delimited text output of
the DB's.

Before I got started, I thought I would check in here to see if anybody
knows of a similar tool that already exists.... and perhaps I can learn
something from it and benchmark against it as I proceed.  Also, any tips
or advice would be muchly appreciated.  I am sure this has been done
many times over in PHP but I do not see where.


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