DESC is a reserved word (used to indicate a DESCending ORDER bY).


On Friday 03 Oct 2003 11:17 am, Cameron Metzke wrote:
> ok im stumped lol i have used this code in the past to insert data into
> mysql (im relitively new though)
> ------code--------
> mysql_query("INSERT INTO Images (Image, desc) VALUES ('$name',
> '$description')") or die (mysql_error());
> --end code---------
> but i get this error]
> ---------error-------------
> You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to
> your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''Image',
> 'desc') VALUES ('2419091.jpg', 'stone')' at line 1
> ----------- end error--------------
> I found if i just try and record the name value it works fine but if i try
> to add the description i get the error.
> Any clues?
> :)

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