I hear you robert.

I will be shot down for saying the following but here goes:

The GPL tends to scare people who are not very familiar with open source. They believe GPL and Open Source are synonyms which obviously isn't true. Unfortunately this is what most people (outside the open source community) i have spoken to on the subject seem to think.

best regards

Robert Cummings wrote:

On Fri, 2003-10-03 at 07:58, Jay Blanchard wrote:


I think Jay probably understands, but for those who don't, http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html

Quite frankly i don't mind people using anything that i open source in commercial applications. When i do mind i don't release it as open source :-)

***applause*** Well said!

(I wanted to say other stuff here, but I just couldn't say it well this
morning. I will say that there is no shame in profiting from commercial
use projects).

Perhaps I've been a little misunderstood. I love the whole open source movement, I love that code can be shared, and I was happy to release my own code as open source. I only have issues with the GPL, and licenses like it, that seem to me to cause the developer to relinquish all control of their work.


Raditha Dissanayake.
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