Okay I think this is what you want. If you want $myNewVarX too you should be 
able to figure it out.

Check out php.net/manual/en/language.variables.variable.php

for loop blah
        $myNewVar = ${'value'.$x};

Also, you may want to consider just naming every field "value[]", which 
results in $_POST['value'] (or $_GET['value']) being an array of your values.

On Wednesday 08 October 2003 09:51 pm, richard cook wrote:
> Hi all,
>     I have a problem that I cant solve, any help would be welcomed!
> I have a form which is repeated by a for loop, the form has one element an
> input field. The problem im having is the name of this field for example
> ive used the following to name it:
> for loop here
> <input name="value<?php echo $x;?>" type="text" size="4" maxlength="2"
> value="<?=$cart_Array[$x][1]?>" />
> }
> So the input name will increase with each loop like so:
> value1
> value2
> value3
> ...
> This works fine, the source code from the generated page looks as it
> should. So the big question is how do I get to the variable name when the
> form is processed, ive tried everything i know. if I use hard coding it
> works :
> $myNewVar = $value1;
> But the whole point of this is that the values need to be pulled out of
> another for loop:
> for loop blah
>     $myNewVar = $valueX;
> }
> I hope im explaining this well.....
> Regards
> R

Evan Nemerson

"A leader is the wave pushed ahead by the ship."

-Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy

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