
(Long time...)

On Sat, 04 Oct 2003 21:01:46 -0400
Gerard Samuel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> - Edwin - wrote:
> > "Far east languages" are not necessarily in this form: "&#nnnnn;"
> > So,
> >
> >running htmlspecialchars() on, say, Japanese characters would do NO
> >harm since &, ", ', <, > are NOT Japanese characters ;)
> >
> >Or, am I missing something? :)
> >
> Not exactly.  When storing "far east languages" in a database for 
> example, thats the format its stored as.
> &#xxxxx;

Hmm... I don't think that's the way they're stored--maybe the way you
see them esp. if you're doing the query on a "terminal" that doesn't
support the encoding in question...

> Also, I've seen it in that form in the $_POST array from a form.

I've never seen this one. For example, any Japanese characters
$_POSTed would *always* show them as they were when you do a
print_r($_POST). If not, most probably it has something to do with the
way you  display the page (e.g. wrong encoding).

- E -

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