> Hello mailing list, I have a question about the use of XML / XLS
> application, I am introducing myself in this technology, What is useful
> / XLS for? , I need a basic example, basic application of it, because I
> don't find the use of it. I know that XML is used to interchange data
> between every system in standard way (Why XML is standard?, because I
> understand that depend of the client browser they have a particular XML
> parser to retrieve information of the XML document, if would have only one
> standard XML parser, could be), and with XLS you transform the XML
> to HTML format, postscript format, and so on, but in order to transform
> XML document you need to know the syntax of the XSL and I think that its
> another language that you need to know. Another doubt is if XML document
> replace DB, because I read a book that has a methodology to transform DB
> table into a XML document, and use a XML parser to retrieve the data, I
> another example that the script use a SQL statement like XML SQL Select,
> execute it, then the DBMS server give you the XML document, then XSL or
> convert the XML document, and finally you obtain the HTML in the client
> browser, well, Thanks for any help, bye :).

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