> I checked the session settings with phpinfo(); I get the following values:
> session_save_path = /tmp
> session.use_cookies = On
> session.use_trans_sid = 1
> I've created a folder on the same level as all the pages called
> "ccb_sessions" and have CHMOD it to 777.
> I have added the following snippet above session_start: <?php
> session_save_path("/ccb_sessions");?>
> When navigating to my test page I get the following error:
> Warning: open(/ccb_sessions/sess_bbbfa69631155d4097e0b0012c857c4a, O_RDWR)
> failed: No such file or directory (2) in
> /home/.paco/campuscb/campuscorkboard.com/MemberAccountDetails.php on line 2
> Checking with my FTP client that file is there and has CHMOD values of 777.
> I've done a Google search for "No such file or directory", found a bunch of
> stuff for Python, nothing for PHP.


> Other ideas?

I think you need to provide a full directory path. I looked at my code and
here's exactly what I do. First, I include some functions with a
require_once() statement. One of the functions is prepath():

function prepath($url) {
    $prepath = "";
    if (substr_count($url, "/")) {
        for ($i = 1; $i < substr_count($url, "/"); $i++) {
            $prepath .= "../";
    return $prepath;

That lets me use the same statement in different directories. Then the page
actually starts like this:

session_save_path(prepath($PHP_SELF) . "../ccb_sessions");

Note that when I said my session data directory is on the same level as my
publicly viewable files (public_html), I mean that the session directory is
not contained within public_html, but is outside it at the same directory
level on the server.


Lowell Allen

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