* Thus wrote Eugene Lee ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> On Sun, Oct 12, 2003 at 02:09:38AM +0200, DvDmanDT wrote:
> : 
> : Does anyone have a good solution on how to get the age of someone from a
> : date column in mysql... This is what I have, but it's not really the
> : truth... What's the right way to do it?
> : 
> : floor((time()-$a["born"])/(3600*24*365.25))
> : 
> : where $a["born"] is the timestamp of the birthdate... Current query:
> This should work for well-formed timestamps, i.e. they are not in the
> future:
> function age($ts)
> {
>     list($y1, $m1, $d1) = explode(' ', date('Y m d', $ts));
>     list($y2, $m2, $d2) = explode(' ', date('Y m d', time()));
>     $age = $y2 - $y1 - ((($m2 < $m1) || ($d2 < $d1)) ? 1 : 0);

What happens if the month is the same but the day hasnt been

Shouldnt this be:
     $age = $y2 - $y1 - ((($m2 < $m1) || ($m2 == $m1 && $d2 < $d1)) ? 1 : 0);

To account for it being the same month but not yet the day.

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