* Thus wrote Bas ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> ---
> And with this, it needs the file 'test.tag'
> ---
> <bttag=bassie>
> I am myself!!
> </bttag>
> The error is that if i load this, the readTag function returns everything
> except for the Closing!!!

Do you mean that all the other tags return the proper content
except the last one?  I didn't study the code too closely for
reasons that follow.

> What's wrong?

Glad you asked :)   Here are a couple things I noticed:
  - every call to this function has the overhead of reading the
  - The parsing is error prone, ie. someone puts: <bttag=bassie >

If its possible I would take a complete different approach at
parsing the tags.  There are two options that I see right away. Use
XML as your data format and an xml parser to obtain the values in
the tags.  Or use preg_match_all.  Here is how I would approach the

function parseTags($file) {
  /* readfile... here */

  $tag_match = "!<bttag=(\w*)>\s*([^<]*)\s*</bttag>!is";
  preg_match_all($tag_match, $filedata, $matches);
  for ($i=0; $i< count($matches[0]); $i++) {
    $tagname = $matches[1][$i];
    $tags[$tagname] = $matches[2][$i];
  return $tags;

Then you can use it like so:

$bttags = parseTags('test.tag');
<h1>Test readTag-functie</h1>
<?php echo $bttags['bassie']; ?>


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