Chris Hayes wrote:

message of the mail. I know how the to put html in the message:

$message = '

in stead of

print "<td> $gebruikerbooks </td>";


$message .= "<td> $gebruikerbooks </td>";

A little clarification:
* Just instead of echoing it directly to the browser, add it to your variable $message.
* "$message.='bla';" is a shortcut for "$message.=$message . 'bla'; "
* the . is the glue for strings.

Thanx for your reaction. But I am not sure if I explained my problem the right way. Let me say it a little bit different:

My server runs PHP and Mysql. Normaly I can put some php in my .php-files wich will create a html file for the clients. (you all know this of course).

My question now is: How can I put that html (created with PHP) in the message off the mail.

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