
You need to use sessions. Please refer session handling functions in the manual. Having said that it's a bad idea to put username in a session. You need to have some kind of association between session ids and username's in app. The most common way this is done is with a two column table.

all the best

Rashini Jayasinghe wrote:


I want to pass a variable between three pages. I tried to get a username from the first page through a form. Use that username in a select statement in the second page to query a table.Everything is fine up to that point. now I want to pass the same username to the third page where I have to use it to select a table name by that username and it doesn't work. I tried $_POST['username'] and the value is not passed to the third page. Is there a way of doing this? Please help.

Thank You.


Raditha Dissanayake.
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Lean and mean Secure FTP applet with  |  Mega Upload - PHP file uploader
Graphical User Inteface. Just 150 KB  |  with progress bar.

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