Is your query correct?


function query($sql, $current_line)
        $this->Result = mysql_query($sql)
                or die($this->stop($current_line));
        if(!$this->Result) {
                echo mysql_error();

        $this->Result_total_fields = mysql_num_fields($this->Result);
        $this->Result_total_rows = mysql_num_rows($this->Result);

Chris W. Parker wrote:
Hey peeps.

Let me be quick (or try to at least).

Here is a snippet of my db class.

function query($sql, $current_line) { $this->Result = mysql_query($sql) or die($this->stop($current_line));

// the following two lines work if they are in the next
// method get_query_results() but not when they are in
// this method.
        $this->Result_total_fields = mysql_num_fields($this->Result);
        $this->Result_total_rows = mysql_num_rows($this->Result);

function get_query_results()
        $this->Result_Arr = array();

        if($this->Result_total_rows > 0)
        // initialize counter
                while($line = mysql_fetch_array($this->Result,
                                $this->Result_Arr[] = $line;


        return $this->Result_Arr;

Ok. As the comments in the first method state, those two lines of code do not work* when they are used in the first method. If I put them down into the get_query_results() method they work fine. I can't figure out why this is happening since my code is syntactically correct.


* By "do not work" I mean it throws the error "supplied argument is not
a valid MySQL result resource".
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