tx for the reply.. ya, it is what i am looking for.. however, your solution
is not the right one.. please help me to adjust it a lot..

let us come back to the initial string ..

I definately want to get something like
$value_array['approved'] is "yes"
$value_array['error'] is ""
$value_array['authnumber'] is "025968"
$value_array['transactionnumber'] is "313869"

If I'm wrong, blame this on coming into the thread at this stage, not the beginning.

That string look suspiciously like a GET request.

$myvars = array('approved', 'error', 'authnumber', 'transactionnumber');
foreach ($myvars as $key) {
$value_array[$key] = $_GET[$key];

If it's just a string, something like:
$data_array = split('&', $string);
foreach ($data_array as $key) {
list($mykey, $value) = split('=', $key);
$value_array[$mykey] = $value;

thank you.. but .. it is still different as what i expect... :(

ya, it is only a string, not a link which could be captured by $_get[].. :(

let's just take a look at your final array "$value_array[$mykey] = $value;"

key <-> content will be
0 -  approved
1 - yes
2 - error
3 - null
4 - authnumber
5 - 025968
6 - transactionnumber
7 - 313869

I want to get something like hashtable..
key <-> content
approved <-> yes
error <-> null
authnumber <-> 025968
transactionnumber <-> 313869

is it possible ? otherwise i have to reserve my old way listed in the first thread, using four "if" which is ugly.. :((

with best wishes

Zheng Sun

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