
<form method="post" name="form" action="insert_user.php" onsubmit="return verifyIt(this);">

  This file and the index.php are kept in the same directory. But the
  browser returns

I tried GET also, but not inserting the data to mysql db.

This is my insert_user.php

$sFName = AddSlashes( $_POST['first_name'] );
$sLName = AddSlashes( $_POST['last_name'] );
$sEMail = AddSlashes( $_POST['e_mail'] );
mysql_connect( "localhost", "dbuser", "dbpwd" ) or die( "Failure" );
mysql_select_db( "users" );
$query = "INSERT INTO users( fname, lname, email, comments )
         VALUES ( '$sFName', '$sLName', '$sEMail', '$sComments' )";
$result = mysql_query( $query ) or die ( "Unable to insert user.." );
mysql_close( "users" );
header( "Location:index.php" );

Thank you.


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