Thanks guys. Makes sense. This is a conversion from ColdFusion and was not an issue in ColdFusion, thou in CF you could do read or write locking to allow for such situations. I'll rework things.


John W. Holmes wrote:

Steve Wardell wrote:

I have a page on my PHP site that needs to access itself. I open a socket connection and pass in the HTTP request header including a cookie string such as:

Cookie: PHPSESSID=766bc531e9185be6b54206c944f258d9

With the session name and id of the user's current session (as I want the request to the web server to utilize the same PHP session). However, if I use the same session ID things seem to lock and the fread's from the socket just don't return any data. Why would there be a lock in doing a request within a request to the same PHP session?

The original request probably still has the session file open, waiting until the end of the script to write the new session files and then close it.

Try using session_write_close() before making this other request. That means you won't be able to change the session values after the request though (unless you can issue session_start() again??)

This whole "method" you've got going on here seems really suspect, but I guess that wasn't your question... :)

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