Dave wrote:

Hi I need to edit my php.ini file. I tried to do this through ftp but no go. I am 
really desperate. How do I do it through putty. Ie
I log in
su to root

Find your php.ini file
A few ways to do this. The easiest would be to look at the output of phpinfo(). Just create a blank file with <?php phpinfo(); ?> in it, upload it to your web server's root directory, and navigate to it. The output will show you the path to the php.ini file that you want.

If you don't feel like doing that, you can try any one of these commands :

   locate php.ini
   whereis php.ini
   find / -name php.ini

Either way you will end up with the location of your php.ini

Next step would be to edit it, for which you can use any text editor available on your shell. vi is common, so is vim. Some even have pico available. If you don't know how to use any of these, most will work if you give them the path to the file you would like to open, something like : vi /home/httpd/htdocs/index.html

If you have a few hours to kill, you can read the online manual for the programs, which is available via the man command. Simply type man vi and hit enter for the manual for vi.

Please give me step by step instructions including how to save and make my changes.
I need to do the following
I need to change my php ini file as follows ; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
upload_max_filesize = 2M

Chance It To

; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
upload_max_filesize = 999999999999999999999M

Why do you want to do something like that? There is a reason it defaults to 2M -- its to prevent from browsers from timing out when trying to upload huge files. You might want to rethink why you are doing this (why ARE you doing it?)

Burhan Khalid

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