favicon.ico is not the problem. The problem is "The specified network name is no longer available". Check out this resource, if that does not help, google for the error string.


Bas wrote:

I have checked the error log and the only real error i can see is that
C:\pub\favicon.ino does not exist... I have added this and now i need that
you test again... Thanks, Bas
"Marek Kilimajer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

Sometimes the pages load, sometimes they don't. Seems like apache is
crashing, check apache error logs, php installation, installed modules...

Bas wrote:

And, e-mail me the results(on [EMAIL PROTECTED])
Of the website... Likethe error and so
"Bas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

On web, i mean from my pc and on pc i use both
"Marek Kilimajer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

Hm, I still don't get you.

On your pc - do you mean you view the pages from your pc or that the
pages are served from your pc (or both)?

From the web - do you mean you view the pages from the web or that the
pages are served from another server on the web?

Bas wrote:

Internally is on my pc and externally is from the web.
"Marek Kilimajer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

Hi, first you should explain the meanings of "internaly" and


in this case.

Bas wrote:

I am running Windows XP, Apache/2.0.44 and php 4.3.3.

I seem that internally all my PHP scripts work. But, externally,



does not work...

Sorry for the double message...

And my e-mail has changed... don't spam!!!

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