"Daevid Vincent" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Here is a snippet from my dhcp web page found on my site below... Not
> exactly what you want, but could help you start...


> // read in the dhcp_map.ini file to map MAC addresses to images
> $mapFile = "./dhcp_map.ini";
> if( $fp = @fopen($mapFile, "r") )
> {
> while( $line = fgets($fp, 1024) )

this pulls out 1024 bytes of data form the file. right?

or does this pull UPTO 1024 bytes of data or the EOL, which ever is first?

> if ($line{0} != "#") $tempMap .= $line;  // strip
> out # comments
> } else echo "ERROR: Can't read ".$mapFile."<BR>";
> fclose ($fp);
> $map = explode("\n", $tempMap);

OK. $tempMap is a string var. Each line of the file has a /n delimiting it.

Now make an array of these line.


> for($i = 0; $i < count($map); $i++)
> {
> list($mac, $image, $name) = preg_split("/\s/",$map[$i], -1,

walk down the map array.

split each element on the SPACE, but don't deal with blank lines


seems almost the same.

nice use of PREG_SPLIT. I guess that helps with the BLANK lines.

if fgets() onlt pulls out so much data, not to EOL, why use it?

If I understand right, if I pull out 1028 of data, the '#' on each line
could be anywhere in that buffer, not just at the first character.

That's why I pulled in the entire file into a string var and then exploded
it into an array split on EOL characters.

Am I missing something?

Thanks for your sample.


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