If you want to check for cookie add

echo "cookie = ".$_COOKIE[session_name()];

to the second page.

To check if transparent sessions are enabled look into phpinfo() output -> session.use_trans_sid

Shaun Campbell wrote:
I've tried the suggested code changes and no difference :(  I just don't
think sessions are working for me at all.

I said in my original posting that the second page was creating an empty
file in my session.save_path directory as though the second page has no
reference to the first one.

In my save_path directory I have the following files:

sess_8e603c46412d9c4dd3fa6bf3d98c100f    0 KB File    23/10/2003 10:37
sess_f548763ea84f7d812539720142ac6efe    1 KB File    23/10/2003 10:37

The top one presumably created by page 2 is empty and the bottom one


I don't know how sessions work in php and whether they use cookies or not
but it seems to me that the session_start() on page 2 is creating a new
session instead of referring to the current one.

Jason how do I check for those settings? I see nothing in php.ini that
refers to transparent sessions and I believe my browser is accepting
cookies.  Could it be an Apache configuration issue?  I thought sessions
were maintained on the server somehow.



"Jason Wong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Wednesday 22 October 2003 22:08, Shaun Campbell wrote:

I've got a problem getting sessions to work and I wondered if anyone


offer any advice.

The example I am using is to get one page to set variables in a session


then use another page to retrieve them. I am using 4.3.4RC2 and prior


that 4.3..3 on Win2k with IE6 and Apache 1.3.22.

The code is:


Code looks OK.

One explanation: you have not enabled transparent sessions, and your


is not accepting cookies.

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates -> www.gremlins.biz
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