
You pretty much have it.. Here is what you will most likely want:

if (!empty($row_rsVandyDivAddresses['Address']) && strlen (trim ($row_rsVandyDivAddresses['Address'])) > 0)
echo $row_rsVandyDivAddresses['Address']) . '<br>'; }

Feel free to format as you wish.

Jordan S. Jones

Robb Kerr wrote:

I'm a PhP /MySQL newbie so please excuse the simple question. I'm returning
results from a MySQL query on a webpage. My code includes...


I've tried...

     <?php if (!empty($row_rsVandyDivAddresses['Address']) echo
$row_rsVandyDivAddresses['Address']); ?>

but don't know how to include the line break <br> in the if statement.

Any help is greatly appreciated,

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