
I wonder if anyone can help me with this problem or suggest an alternative

I have two PHP boxes, one windows box running PHP version 4.2.1 and DOM XML
version 2.4.9, and the other one a FreeBSD box running PHP version 4.3.3 and
DOM XML version 2.5.11.

What I need to do is to join two XML documents together.  The code below
runs fine on the 4.2.1 box but fails on the 4.3.3 box.

      //$pagenodes_doc_xml and $menu_xml have been previously populated with
valid XML document objects
      // get page nodes root element
      $pagenodes_xml =  $pagenodes_doc_xml->document_element();
      //locate portalroot in menu xml
      $ctx = xpath_new_context($menu_xml);
      $nodes = xpath_eval($ctx, "//[EMAIL PROTECTED]'portalroot']");
      $portalroot = $nodes->nodeset[0];
      //append pages nodes at portalroot location
      $new_xml = $portalroot->append_child($pagenodes_xml);

The error is "Warning: append_child(): Can't append node, which is in a
different document than the parent node".


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