It's htpasswd and not passwd. As many others on this group i don't use the redhat config system it's lame. You will be better off editing httpd.conf and adding an AllowOverrides directive.

best regards

Frank Tudor wrote:

I have to apologies about this posting in advance so please
don't flame me too bad for being off topic.


I want to create an .htaccess file to protect my files

I did the passwrd -c /directory/file frank

the set a password and then confirmed the password

I created a .htaccess file with vi and put this in it.

 AuthName "restricted stuff"
 AuthType Basic
 AuthUserFile /var/password/frank

require valid-user

then in the redhat http server utitily under server settings

I went tot he virtual directory section and created a new
virtual dir called virtual 0 and check marked the box at the
bottom for .htaccess protection.

I restart the server and then go to another computer and put in
the URL and no password box comes up.


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