* Thus wrote Cosmin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> I'm trying to make an application using XML-RPC, and I have the
> following problem: I use fsockopen() to simulate a POST to my local
> web-server. All goes very well except it's very very slow. Here is my
> code maybe someone could tell me what I'm doing wrong:
> =====================================
> $url= parse_url($this->serverURL);
> $requestString= "POST ".$url['path']." HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:
> ".$url['host']."\r\nContent-type:
> application/x-www.form-urlencoded\r\nContent-length:
> ".strlen($this->requestData)."\r\n\r\n".$this->requestData;;

Have you tried to simulate this on a web browser?  

My guess is there might be some dns issue somewhere causing the
webserver to take a while before even processing the request.

Try and find out where the bottleneck is by echo'ing between steps
to see where the problem is, for example:

echo time(), "\n";
>       $fp = fsockopen($url['host'], 80, $err_num, $err_msg, 5);
echo time(), "\n";

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