
As Ray has also mentioned sprintf() is the best approach. I would also like to point out that you would be doing three iteration over your data so please make sure that your queries are not just 'select * from customers' but 'select * from customers where something=something'

all the best

Ian Williams wrote:

Apologies to anyone also subscribed to php.xml.dev, who will have read this
earlier, but it doesn't seem as frequently read as this news group... so I
am reposting...

Hi I want to write a function that will take any SQL query as a parameter, and generate XML that represents the recordset.

e.g. "SELECT * FROM Customers"


   <record id="1" name="Mr Smith" purchases="2"/>
   <record id="2" name="Mr Jones" purchases="25"/>
   <record id="3" name="Mr Davis" purchases="7"/>

There are two approaches I think. One is to use the XML DOM, the other is
simply to join lots of strings together. What is the best approach?

Thanks (and this is my first post to a newsgroup, and my first post to this
one, so excuse me if I've missed something vital!)

ian ;-)

Raditha Dissanayake.
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