On Thursday, October 30, 2003, at 12:05 PM, eBestel wrote:

I want to send HTML output from a php script as HTML E-Mail "ONLINE" Like
Send this page by email feature.

Typically this feature just sends a link in an email, but if you think it's a good idea to send the whole page as HTML, then here's the steps I think you need to take.

1. emailme.php recieves a referrer URL as a GET variable [click an 'email this' link]

2. emailme.php asks for a target email address, etc -- and also passes the referrer url around as a hidden form field [click submit]

3. emailme.php grabs the output of a URL via something like the 3rd example on http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.fread.php

4. emailme.php uses a mime mail email class (like the one on phpclasses.org by manuel lemmos, or the examples found on http://php.net/mail) to send the email to the target address

So, start researching each step, and come back with specific questions as you need to.


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