
I did the fillowing install

./configure --prefix=/www --with-mysql --withmssql=/usr/share/freetds --with
-apxs=/www/bin/apxs  --enable-track-vars --with-config-file-path=/www/conf

When I try access the index..php via the web the file it tries to download.
I checked all
of the config files and all looks good I can't find out why php will not
work.  When I search for the php.ini it only brings up a file from the
/usr/src/php/php-4.3.3/pear/tests/php.ini  Shouldn't this file be in the
/etc/ dir?
RH 9
Apache 2.0.48

# LoadModule foo_module modules/
LoadModule php4_module        modules/

I can't get php to work..  Thanks for your help.


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