
I am publishing a site I have developed and I am having problems with
the scripts being able to access the remote MySQL server. When I try to
connect using the PHP scripts I just get an error saying that access is

I can access it fine from my machine using PHPMyAdmin so I know that
remote access is being allowed.
I have also connected to the web hosting server via SSH and have
connected successfully to the MySQL server via the MySQL client at the
terminal from that machine. So I know the server that the scripts are
running on also has access to the MySQL server.

Here is my script. Please let me know if you have any ideas why this
would be happening:



*                       Connects to a MySQL database using the Belvedere
account          *
function DBMS_CONNECT()
        global $Site_Settings;

        // Connect To DBMS
        $Connection = mysql_connect($Site_Settings['DB_Host'],
$Site_Settings['DB_UserName'], $Site_Settings['DB_Password'])
                or SQL_KillScript("Connecting to DBMS",$Connection);
        // Select DB
        if (!mysql_select_db($Site_Settings['DB_Name'],$Connection))
                SQL_KillScript("Selecting Database",$Connection);
        // Return the connection variable
        return $Connection;



Here is the error message:

MySQL Error 1044 : Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' to database


My DB_Host is specified as a domain name. e.g. db1.myhost.com

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