On Wednesday, November 05, 2003 5:43 PM, Lang wrote:

1. Have register_globals set to off in your php.ini
2. Check the values before you put them in the session.
You should be ok.
ie. if you just go
$_SESSION['g_id'] = $_GET['g_id']
on one page, then you still have the same security risks as using just 

If you are slightly more paranoid then you have to look at the way
variables are stored between one page and another. If you are using
(the default), can someone else edit the files on your server? Even if
use a custom session handler to store session variables, the main

Can something else change the session variables, other than my php

If the answer is yes, then you need to do more checking.

Hi, Lang.  Thanks for the reply.  Currently I do have register_globals
turned off, and the session values are all set with values pulled from a
database.  The $_POST values passed to the query which retrieves this
info are validated using regular expressions.

I just checked the PHP session files and they're stored in /tmp and
owned by apache.  Should I change this to another directory and lock
down the directory to make this a little more secure?

As to your last point, can something else change the session vars other
than my php scripts, answers to that question are exactly what I'm
looking for.

In all honesty I don't know enough about how one would go about
attempting to hack the values of a session other than through hacking
into the session files, so if anyone has any input on this please pass
it along.


Pablo Gosse wrote:

> Hi all.  A quick question as an extension to the threads about input
> validation over the past weeks.
> It's obviously best practice to rigorously check and validate all
> coming via $_GET or $_POST, but what about $_SESSION values?
> Without proper checking of $_GET and $_POST, it is very easy for
> to exploit an application.  But what are the potentials of this
> happening with session values?
> As an example, in my CMS when the user logs in a number of session
> variables are registered, including a user id, group id and clearance
> level, all of which are used extensively in queries.
> Throughout the CMS I use a custom function to validate any ids coming
> from $_GET or $_POST, but are those which come from $_SESSION equally
> dangerous?  It would seem to me that they wouldn't be quite as
> dangerous, but I can't really say for sure.
> For example, if someone is attempting to retrieve a specific content
> block within the CMS for editing, the following query is executed:
> $query  = 'select c.* from cms_content c, cms_access x ';
> $query .= 'where x.status = 1 and x.c_id = c.c_id and ';
> $query .= 'x.p_id = '.$p_id.' and c.p_id = '.$p_id.' ';
> $query .= 'and x.u_id = '.$_SESSION['u_id'].' and ';
> $query .= 'x.g_id = '.$_SESSION['g_id'].' ';
> $query .= $_SESSION['clearance'] < 2 ? 'and (c.release < now() and
> (c.expires is null or c.expires > now()) and ((c.begin_suspend is null
> and c.end_suspend is null) or (now() not between c.begin_suspend and
> c.end_suspend))) ' : '';
> What are the implications of not validating the $_SESSION['u_id'],
> $_SESSION['g_id'] and $_SESSION['clearance'] values?
> In this query, for example, the last ternary statement checks if the
> clearance value for the current session is less than 2, and if so the
> content can only be accessed if the conditions run against the
> fields for that specific record are valid.
> However, if someone were somehow able to hijack the value of
> $_SESSION['clearance'] and set it to 3 or 4, then this check would be
> ignored.
> How big of an issue is this?  I'd be very interested in some opinions
> from those with more experience on the security side of things.

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