
With almost any SQL database you can "select max(column) + 1 " (or some
such) to get the next available number, but if you plan to have more than
one user on the database at the same time, what will you use to prevent them
both from getting the same number and attempting to save over each others
information (I am assuming this is something like a record number).

Techniques to reserve the number in advance cause problems when the user
changes his mind and never saves his record, leaving unused numbers in your

A more common technique which is employed by most databases, is to not make
any promises about numbers that will be used.  The number is assigned when
the user finally makes up his mind and commits to adding the record (see
MySQL auto increment feature) and the system prevents multiple inserts from
getting the same number.  After the insert completes, the user is now told
what number was used for future reference.  I believe mssql also uses this

If you still need to reserve the number, then insert a blank record (row)
and see what number was assigned and perform all further updates to that
record.  This technique will prevent multiple users from being assigned the
same number (the query above will not).

hope this helps,

Warren Vail

-----Original Message-----
From: Rique Gresham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 10:24 AM
Subject: [PHP] PHP, SiteSpinner and MS SQL2000

Hi All,

What I'm trying to do is query a mssql database using a SELECT statement to
get the last
report number from a table, increment that number by 1 and have it display
in a INPUT box.
The data will not INSERT into the database as a new record until one presses

PHP 4.3.2
MS SQL2000

Thanks, Rq

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