OK, I've decided to be sucked back in for one more response...

On Fri, 2003-11-07 at 15:50, Mike Migurski wrote:
> Here's an argument: the correlation between intelligent, active members of

Subjective evaluation based on no empirical data and probaby not even on
any kind of professional experience.

> this list and bottom-posters seems to be pretty high. When a member top
> posts, there's a pretty good chance that their questions and comments will

Again subjective.

> be ignored -- I know for sure that I am less inclined to participate in
> discussions that make it unnecessarily difficult for me follow along, for
> formal reasons such as top posting or terrible grammar and puncuation.

As is your prerogative.

> Besides, what kind of person pointedly belches at the dinner just because
> some /other/ culture out there believes it's acceptable? ...Because that's
> essentially what you're doing now. Etiquette rarely exists without reason,

As is MY prerogative.

> and a Google search on 'top posting' turns up gobs of excellent arguments

There are also plenty of arguments FOR top posting.

> against the practice, including at least one RFC that frowns on it.

RFC means request for comments. It does not define a rule or a law.
Perhaps someone should add a comment.

> Personally I don't care either way, but I am a lot more inclined to
> participate in online discussions where a significant number of the
> members have shown personal concern for the formal qualities of their
> outbound communications. Common sense, right?

Yes you're re-iterating your circular arguments. Here's how I see your
point of view:

Everyone must do it because the majority are doing it (AKA the sheep
follows the sheep follows... who's leading?)

I want all the bottom posters to like me so I'll say that all the bottom
posters are smarter than he top posters. This will be a really good
argument since it gets all the bottom posters to like me and of course
popularity means more rightness (AKA never side with the unpopular).

The rest of the world just can't be wrong (AKA the world really is

I found arguments for bottom posting on google, thus it must be more
right (AKA someone share's my point of view so I'm right).

I can justify my argument by referring back to my argument (AKA the more
I argue that my argument is more correct the more correct it will

If I say I don't really care people will believe my opinion more because
I've made it seem like I have nothing to gain by being right (AKA the
noble debater).

blah, blah blah.

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