Dave Carrera <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    on Monday, November 10, 2003 8:45 AM said:

> $addamysqluser = mysql_query("grant
> select,insert,drop,update,delete,create,index,alter on $_POST[f2] to
> What is wrong with the above php based mysql_query ?

1. What error are you getting? (This information should always be
included in a "why isn't this working?" post.)
2. How do you know it's not working?
3. Assign your sql statement to a variable and then pass that variable
to the mysql_query() function. Then echo the variable used to store the
query and see if everything looks right to you.
4. Have you tried putting single quotes around the $_POST indexes? i.e.
5. (I believe) You need to put { and } around your $_POST variables.
i.e. {$_POST['f2']}

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