Dimitri Marshall wrote:

Here's my situation. I'm making a message board and I want posts to be
deleted after 30 days.

Does anyone know of a script, or how, I can delete an entry on my database
after a certain amount of time (ie. 30 days) automatically.

Dimitri Marshall

Assuming it uses epoch timestamps .... you could do the following

|function subtractDay($tS, $numDays){
//subtracts a day to the timstamp submitted through $timeStamp
//from phpexamples.net
$timeStamp = mktime (date <http://www.php.net/date>('H',$tS),date <http://www.php.net/date>('i',$tS),date <http://www.php.net/date>('s',$tS),date <http://www.php.net/date>('n',$tS),date <http://www.php.net/date>('j',$tS)-$numDays,date <http://www.php.net/date>('Y',$tS));
return $timeStamp;

$thirtyDaysPast = subtractDay(time(), 30);

$||thirtyDaysPast will be your timestamp thirty days ago, the sql would look like

DELETE from <your table here> WHERE timestamp < '$thirtyDaysPast'

Hope it helps,

Rolf Brusletto

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