I am an experienced web developer who is just getting into php.  I have had
a php project fall into my lap and wanted a little advice.  Here is the

    A client moved their site from a server (unknown details) to a hosting
facility (php 4.3.2).  Now none of the scripts work.  I have guessed that
they are coming from an earlier version of apache/php.  Anyway it appears
that whoever created the site in the first place did not believe in scoping
variables.  Now any variable that is not properly scoped will not be read by
the server.  I know I can simply scope all of the variables, but I was
hoping there may be an easier way.  Also, how bad is the _REQUEST scope I
read that "it could not be trusted", however the previous developer created
the app in such a way that several places a variable could be _GET or _POST.
I apologize for the rambling and possible incoherency of this message, I am
a bit tired.


PS. How do you scope queries?

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